History slideshow of the Nazareth Area – April 19, 2024

Visions of Eagles (2008 – 2024)


Visions of Eagles has been helping those in need cross the bridge from despair to hope for 16 years!

Thank You to all those who have donated to our cause so we may continue this journey!


Our largest fundraiser, the annual $20 challenge postcards, will happen in the fall!  Keep an eye out for yours. If you do not receive one and would like to donate, checks can be mailed to PO Box 231 Nazareth PA 18064 or donations can be made through Paypal on this website. Last year, thanks to our amazing supporters, we raised almost $13,000.  Thank you everyone for your continued support which helps the people of the Nazareth Area School District!!

Nazareth Middle and Intermediate Schools Walk-A-Thons – 05-18-2018

On Friday, May 18, 2018, from 8:30 – 10:30, Walk a Thon’s were held at The Nazareth Middle and Intermediate Schools. These Walk-a-thon’s were organized by the Nazareth Area Middle School Eagle Ambassadors and the Nazareth Intermediate School. Hundreds of students, parents and faculty participated in these events which were held on the school grounds. The Walk a Thon has been a HUGE success in the past!  Proceeds in the past have been donated to the Visions of Eagles. We thank the Nazareth Middle School VOE Ambassadors, Nazareth Intermediate School, parents, faculty and volunteers for supporting the families and individuals in your school district!  Kudos to all of you for a job well done!!


Mark your calendars!!  Our Annual Celebration Breakfast will be held on Friday, April 20, 2018 at the Hampton Inn in Easton.  The event starts at 7:30 a.m. and a delicious breakfast will be served.

This is a wonderful opportunity to meet some of our care receivers and for our organization to thank individuals and organizations who have supported us over the past seven years.

Invitations will be going out during the last week of March.  RSVP quickly because seating is limited!  If you do not receive an invitation, please contact us.  We look forward to seeing you on the 20th!


We are in the planning stages for our 2018 Visions of Joy program.  Letters have been sent to area churches and organizations and we are compiling our lists of recipients who will receive three gifts from our “VOE Santas”!  Please contact us at our website www.visionsofeagles.org or our phone at 484-264-7505 if you are aware of anyone who should be added to our list.

Boscov’s Department Store, who is our VOJ partner, has offered to place an angel gift tree in their store for our Visions of Joy gift recipients.  Be sure to check out the tree when you shop there and get an angel.  We are very thankful to all who shop for our “angels”!


Nazareth Area Middle and Intermediate Students Hold VOE Walk A Thon – 04-19-2017


On Friday, May 19, 2017 a Walk a Thon was organized by the Nazareth Area Middle School Eagle Ambassadors and the Nazareth Intermediate School. Hundreds of students, parents and faculty participated in these events which were held outside. The Walk a Thon was a HUGE success!  The check that the VOE Ambassadors presented to our organization was over $8,000!  Thank you Nazareth Middle School VOE Ambassadors, Nazareth Intermediate School, parents, faculty and volunteers for supporting the families and individuals in your school district!  Kudos to all of you for a job well done!!


VOE committee member, Darrel Mengel, is the creator of the Nazareth Park Pool Books.  He wants to let everyone know who purchased a book, that additional pages are available to complete your book.  Please contact VOE at 484-264-7505 or email us at visionsofeagles@live.com to get your additional pages.  Thank you for supporting VOE!

The VOE 2013 $20 Challenge raises over $15,000!

On behalf of the entire Visions of Eagles Foundation committee,

I would like to thank you for your gracious contribution

to our Annual Twenty Dollar Challenge. 

In today’s economy, it is extremely difficult to raise funds.

Last year we decided it would be easier to ask a little from a lot,

rather than a lot from a little.

This worked very effectively and our 2013 contributions totaled

just over $15,000 from 139 individuals, families and businesses! 

Our total care giving for 2013 was in excess of $30,000 to individuals

and families in the Nazareth Area School District. 

Since October 2008 we have provided over $127,000. 

As you continue to support VOE it is important that you understand that

for every dollar contributed, ninety-five cents is utilized to help others.

As we have no paid staff, only 5% is required for operating expenses.

We will always be very sensitive about being good custodians of

your kind support of our Foundation.

We are blessed to be a blessing! 


Thomas W. Fehnel

Founder and President

2012 Visions of Joy Program

We had another successful Visions of Joy program this year!  We provided gifts to 29 families with 77 children and more than $2300 was spent to purchase their three gifts.  Boscov’s did another wonderful job this year by providing wrapping services and special sales for our program.  BJ Toys also donated stuffed animals and several other toy donations were received.  Thank you to everyone who helped make this Christmas special for these families!

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